Monday, December 22, 2008

The Early Escapades of Willo Wispa

It's been a long time coming but finally Willo Wispa is set to have new material in the shops, but first how about we take it back to the old stuff. Associated Minds have put together a retrospective of his early work as is only fitting for the unique emcee that he is.

First time I ever heard The Colony was on Evil Ed's excellent album The Enthusiast. The thing that always stuck me about them was that here was a crew without one weak link in the chain.

In fact if there was any weak link it was simply that Willo Wispa has been decidedly slow in getting a solo debut in the shops, while Sir Smurf Lil has made it to his second album with many plaudits along the way. Well he need not be addled to that list any more as his album I'm assured is being prepped for an early 2009 release.

To proceed it the guys at Associated Minds have begged borrowed and stolen a whole bunch of old stuff and it's available at Amazon and iTunes for your downloading pleasure right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i can say that no one cares about willo except his friends who run the label,if this isn't a future classic in the hiphop landscape that stands up years from now just keep this release to yourself and enjoy the music in ur own space cos idiot hip hop is exactly what EVERYONE besides willo's mates will not be buying!